Rusia Jenis badan perniagaan

    Maklumat selanjutnya: Types of business entity in Russia
  • Nekommercheskaya organizatsiya/некоммерческая организация: non-profit organization (there are many types of non-profits in Russia; the type depends on the ownership of the assets (non-state pension fund/Негосударственный пенсионный фонд, for example))
  • GP/ГП, GUP/ГУП (Gosudarstvennoye unitarnoye predpriyatie/Государственное унитарное предприятие): state (unitary) enterprise
  • IP/ИП (Individualny predprinimatel/Индивидуальный предприниматель): sole proprietorship
  • OOO (Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu/Общество с ограниченной ответственностью): LLC (US)
  • OAO (Otkrytoye aktsionernoye obshchestvo/Открытое акционерное общество): plc (UK), publicly traded shares (similar to a corporation in the US)
  • kooperativ/кооператив: cooperative (many types, which differ by the type of activity, e.g. agricultural or production)
  • ZAO/ЗАО (Zakrytoe aktsionernoye obshchestvo/Закрытое акционерное общество): ltd (UK), privately held shares (similar to a close corporation, or closely held corporation, in the US) (maximum fifty "owners of capital" (not shareholders). If there are more than fifty "owners of capital", they have a year to transform into a "OAO")
  • Prostoye Tovarishestvo (general partnership) and Kommanditnoe Tovarishestvo (limited partnership). These types of business entities are not popular (approximately 0.5% of the total number of business entities).
  • Hozyaystvennoe Partnerstvo (business partnership) is a "secret" entity. There is no equivalent in other jurisdictions.


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